Easter Basket Project
Hopefully Sow partners with group foster care organizations across Austin to provide Easter Baskets to childeren that will not otherwise be acknoledged at Easter. One of Hopefully Sow's missions is to proved children of group foster care homes experiences and opportunites to develop habbits that will prepare children to excell in school. Many people grew up with a tridition of celebrating Easter with small gifts. Our hope is that through sharing these experiences we can inspire and provide encouragment to these children.
This year our Easter basket theme is READING. Each child will receive a custom bag featuring an age appropirate paper back book, audio book, a journal, pens & pencils, book light, hot cocoa/tea, plastic or metal mug and of course Easter Candy.
There are many ways to get involved with this project!
1. VOLUNTEER: You can volunter your time on mm/dd/yyyy at Rivebed Church at 555 main to help assemble the Easter bags.
2. SHOP: You can provide new items for these bags by shopping our amazon wish list. To participate this way click on the following link.
3. DONATE: you can also donate to this cause by cliking this linkand selcting Easter Basket Project 2019 on our donation page.
If you have any qustions, please email us at contact@hopefullyshow.org